From: mnp!mpaque@NeXT.COM (Mike Paquette) Newsgroups: Subject: Supporting multiprocessor platforms under NEXTSTEP Date: 19 Oct 1994 16:18:17 -0500 Reply-To: mnp!mpaque@NeXT.COM Watching the recent thread of discussion "Re: Dual Pentium and NeXTStep?" is rather like watching a game of telephone, with information mutating from one message to the next. I can't stand it anymore... Here's some real information, from press releases, speeches by assorted officers of NeXT, and whatnot. Nothing here that can't be found out by anyone willing to do a little research. 1) The NEXTSTEP Mach kernel is based on Mach 2.0, with a number of enhancements picked up from Mach 2.5. The Mach kernel in NEXTSTEP 3.3 will incorporate additional enhancements from Mach 3.0, particularly in the areas of scheduling and messaging. 2) The Mach kernel is designed to work in a symmetric multiprocessor environment. There are two areas that need to be addressed to implement SMP support (along with several hundred details...). First, the kernel must be compiled for use with multiple processors. This causes mutex locks to be compiled into the kernel to serialize access to critical sections. That's the easy part. Second, the machine-dependent code needed to manage multiprocessor initialization, resource management, thread migration, and whatnot needs to be written. There is a C language API in the Mach kernel that covers most of the machine dependencies. In the case of the Intel platforms, this gets tricky, as there are now FOUR different specifications kicking around for SMP board design. There are two versions of the Intel-led SMP consortium's spec, another multi-vendor spec, and even a spec from a consortium of chip set manufacturers. Three of these specifications have actually been implemented in hardware to varying degrees. 3) The AppKit is not thread-safe (not even on the old m88k and 601 SMP prototype hardware Mr. Jobs and others have mentioned). Oh, it's been thought about, but fundamentally the AppKit is an inappropriate candidate for multithreaded operation. The degree of interlocking required would effectively serialize the entire kit, with no performance gain (in fact, a net loss!) over the current kit. Think of the AppKit as a set of tools used to manipulate the global state of a GUI, and you may see what I mean. In general, I think a developer's time and energy would be better spent decoupling the application's GUI and core functionality, permitting the GUI to run in one thread, and the core functionality torun in one or more other threads (or even on a fast back-end processor through PDO). Mike Paquette ===== I don't speak for NeXT, and NeXT doesn't speak for me.